Puppies for Sale
WE have appointments Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. 2pm, 4pm, 6pm & 8pm. If you need another time or day we are flexible for your needs. 352-442-7755.
Gunner & Cleopatra:
Litter Born December 19, 2019
Pups can go home February.
Pups can be a Valentines Day Gift!
Please fill out our questionnaire on the Contact Us Tab, and call us with any questions. 352-596-3414.
FEMALE Chip # 9484 FEMALE Chip # 7713 Female Chip # 7586 Female Chip # 7493
Gunner- Dad Cleopatra- Mama
6 weeks old in pictures.
Tanis & Shadow: Christmas Day Litter; Born December 25, 2019
Pick of Litter MALE Chip #7223 FEMALE Chip # 8193 FEMALE Chip # 8136 FEMALE Chip # 5095
Tanis- Dad Shadow- Mama
Kennel Inspections
Service Dog for Joey
Deschamps Corner General Store and Pendragon Acres U.S. K-9, Inc. had a benefit concert, featuring The Clazmatics classic rock band with a guest appearance, Curtis Gray, from American Idol Season 11. The concert benefited Joey Vega, a husband and father who suffers from epilepsy and seizures. He is progressively getting worse, and is in need of a seizure detecting/alert K-9.
James Bond & Semper-fi
Judy & James Bond, and Sandra & Semper-fi Passed the service dog certification test.
Service dog in training
Trainer, Jim Lehmann, demonstrates the loose lead control of the canine, Kaylee Gioioso.