James Bond & Semper-fi
Judy & James Bond, and Sandra & Semper-fi Passed the service dog certification test.
Service dog in training
Trainer, Jim Lehmann, demonstrates the loose lead control of the canine, Kaylee Gioioso.
Pendragon Acres U.S. K-9, Inc. “World Class German Shepherds”
Breeding, Training, Coaching, Spirtual Growth and Bonding with your animal. Service companions. Specialized in German Shepherds for your service needs.
Puppies 8 weeks -12 weeks will start at Stage 1 of Training.
Older puppies and adults will first require a training evaluation.
A training evaluation is required 1st before we can quote you a price for training.
The Training Evaluation is 2 hours long; and the cost is $150.00 Cash.
The Stages of K-9 Training
Stage 1- Behavioral, 3 weeks
Stage 2- On Lead Control, 6 weeks
Stage 3- Loose Lead Control (off leash control), 8 weeks
Stage 4- Specialty (Service, Therapy, ESA, Protection)
Call 352-596-3414 or Text 727-455-5243 to book your Training Evaluation.
Training sessions are once a week, for 2 hour sessions.
Judy & James Bond, and Sandra & Semper-fi Passed the service dog certification test.
Trainer, Jim Lehmann, demonstrates the loose lead control of the canine, Kaylee Gioioso.